*Self-Portrait: Who I Want To Be. (2008)
This portrait is who I wish I had the guts to be, who I wish I will develop into... A strong, "IN YOUR FACE", and sexy woman.
*Newark (2008)
Newark Scavenger Hunt
This photo means a lot to me because though it may sound naive, I had never walked up to a stranger (a homeless person in particular!) and asked to take a picture of them until this day. I was alone and in this person's personal space for quite some time, and it showed me not all pictures of strangers have to be from afar.
*Intimacy: Ear Jam (2008)
Open-Ended Assignment
One of many photos in my portfolio where I tried to capture the other, not so pretty, side of intimacy. I think the blue nails add a special touch!
*Intimacy: Neon Toothbrush (2008)
Everyone who I show this to loves it, asking me how I did it. It's pretty much just the a negative feature on the camera- to the extreme. I LOVE the red toothpaste and how Nick considered it intimate because prior to this class, things like toothbrushes and Q-tips were NOT the first things that came to my mind when thinking of intimacy.
*Fish Out of Water (2008)
I didn't appreciate this class until AFTER Nick pointed out how much the black gate and lighting made the fish look like it was jumping out of the water.
*Rubic (2008)
I shot of bunch of pictures of my friend playing with a Rubix cube one day and I LOVE how even though I was excited about all of the colors of the cube, the best shot wound up being the one in black and white!
*Sonero-Miguel Rodriguez (2008)
This assignment was somewhat of a challenge for me, but then I remembered that my dog has one of the most serious and deep faces I've ever seen. It all made sense after that.
*Ondy (2008
This, to me, is just as intimate and monumental as my toothbrush. I've had this teddy bear since I was in elementary school and it means a lot to me. The person who gave it to me is no longer in my life, and having the teddy bear in the dark and cold gives the photo the somberness I connect it to.
*Intimacy: The Panties (2008)
Open-Ended Assignment
This is one of two photos where I had to push myself out of my comfort zone. These are my panties... I wear these. This photo (the combination of the girly panties and the dirty, rusty, and gritty bathtub) gives off an awkward, "almost not right", uncomfortable vibe and I'm grateful for my ability to capture the other side of intimacy.
*Intimacy: Dressing (2008)
Open- Ended Assignment
Here is the second picture where I had to push myself out of my comfort zone. While paranoid that this one was a bit too personal, I'm happy I was able to look past my insecurities and print an intrusive- yet intimate- photo.
*Little Weapon (2008)
Newark Scavenger Hunt
The playfulness of the bright green toy gun combined with what is normally a serious pose makes this picture what it is.
*Safe Landing (2008)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Upon starting this assignment, I didn't think to shoot airplanes and when I finally did, I wanted to capture the cross directly under the plane. Praying before and after a flight is essential to me (and everyone I know), so I love the symbolism of this one.
*Valentine's Day (2008)
Valentine's Day is usually a day of happiness, but this was what mine felt like, a dead, dried up and out of focus rose.
*Lazy Sundays (2008)
Seismic Activity
This one is specifically for animal lovers in the way that it puts the viewer into the photo by just showing the leg of the person. Also, Nick pointed out how the dog becomes the other leg which to me symbolizes the close relationships people share with their pets.
*Self- Portrait: Who I'll Always Be
Self- Portrait
This is the most important picture in my portfolio and it's at the end because at the end of the day, week, month, whatever, I'll always be my grandfather' granddaughter. I shot it in black and white for a simple and somber feeling.
My photographic interests consisted of "in your face", somber, emotional, and mostly intimate situations.
Your first two photos do an excellent job of embodying your interests. Your gaze is highly intrusive to your viewer. Your posture and attire- very intimidating.
The second, on the other hand is intrusive on our end. It feels as if we're intruding on her space, her life, and there is this sense of sadness that affects me.
In a way, I imagine that the character of your first photo is looking at the one in your second.
I love "Rubic". It's ironic because a Rubic's Cube is bright and colorful, but what's the point of being so if we only see black and white? The black-and-white is a handicap that strips the cube of its most prized asset.
Very clever use of black-and-white!
All of your pictures are extremely beautiful and i love the intimate feel of your pictures, it shows another side to the photographer and i think that all of your pictures have an intimate connection.
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